Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas & Peytons' Diamonds

I just want to thank everyone for their sweet comments since I posted this blog a few hours ago... the mass amount of Facebook messages and emails I received are so lovely. I promise I will read and respond to each message by the end of tomorrow evening.

A post about Christmas before I go to bed and dream of my sweet angel...

Yesterday was Christmas.

Yesterday was Peyton's 1st Christmas in Heaven.

It didn't feel like Christmas. But it was.

If Peyton were here, we would have wrapped presents for her, and placed them under the tree on Christmas Eve. We would have taken pictures of her in her Christmas outfit (a pink snowman onsie with matching snowflake pants & bib from Macy's) and placed them in her scrapbook. Our family would have ooe'd and ahh'd over her chunky cheeks. Her Great-Grandpa and Papa would have fought over who got to hold her. Truth be told, her Great-Grandpa probably would not have let anyone else hold her.

But that's not how we spent our Christmas... Peyton's 1st Christmas.

There were no presents wrapped for Peyton under the Christmas tree. She didn't wear her Christmas outfit. Her Great-Grandpa and Papa both had empty arms. My heart broke for our family, for Peyton. Our family waited and waited for her arrival, for the holidays we would all spend with her... she was such a bright light to us all, and she was missing this holiday.

Every time I was about to cry yesterday however, I thought of Peyton's Christmas present from her Papa.

Two weeks ago, my father-in-law pulled out a tiny box from his pants pocket, after dinner. He told me he had been walking around with the box in his pocket for a while, but couldn't find a way to give it to me... it was Peyton's Christmas present that he had purchased in August.

We all laughed when I opened the box... a pair of diamond earrings for his little princess. I could only imagine a 5wk old infant with a pair of diamond earrings. We joked about what he would have gotten her for her 16th birthday... it felt so good to laugh! Peyton would have looked beautiful in her diamond earrings. For now they sit in her memory box next to her ashes. One day they will make a lovely gift to a little brother or sister of Peyton's... but for now, Peyton's diamonds are with her.... her first Christmas present.

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